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Donations and funding

The ASBL Les Fées Lozof depends on your support to exist. It is through your donations or your sponsorship that we will be able to achieve the goal that we have set ourselves.

If you would like to become one of our partners, or if you would like to become one of our sponsors for our activities, please contact us, either via our Contact, or by phone. 

There are several ways to support us:

You will be able to choose one of these options in the form accessible via the button below

Support Les Fées Lozof

63% harvested
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Personal information

To make an offline donation, we ask you to follow the following instructions:

  1. Make a transfer to the account of "ASBL Les Fées Lozof"
  2. IBAN: BE15 3631 7133 0130 BIC: BBRUBEBB
  3. Please indicate as communication, your complete contact details as well as the purpose of your donation if you wish (free donation, Féestoche kit, etc.):

ASBL Les Fées Lozof
Spanish Way, 294
6700 Arlon (Belgium)

All contributions will be taken into account with pleasure and will be fully dedicated to the achievement of our objectives.


Total donation : 2.300,00€

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